August 20, 2020 | Homeownership

As September is fast approaching many parents and children are preparing for the annual back-to-school rush, COVID-19 has our city wondering whether sending their children back to school is the right move or not. Regardless, the subject of schools has also prompted the question as to how it might work best when homeschooling. Here are 5 tips and tricks for homeschooling:

1. Designate a dedicated learning space
Sectioning off a room in your home which is used as the ‘learning space’ is imperative when creating a structured environment and keeping things organized. Homeschooling can be fun and exciting, but also messy too and a disorganized workspace is no fun for anyone. Designating a ‘learning space’ also reinforces that when in this space, it is in fact ‘learning time’ and once you leave the space, you are on a break. This will encourage focus and simulate that ‘classroom feel’ for both you and your kids. Before you begin homeschooling, set up a classroom with chairs, books, desks, and all. Get into a routine. That is, school begins at 8:00 a.m. and at that time, they must be dressed (teeth brushed, hair combed) and ready to take on the day.

2. Create a plan
Before teachers begin the school year with your kids, they always have the year’s lesson plan in place as a set of guidelines for the learning curriculum for the year. Planning ahead will help homeschooling run smoothly in the long-run as you and the kids will benefit from the flow and evolution of the subjects being taught. You can focus on teaching the subject at hand and keeping yourself on track which will translate into strong efficient learning for your children.

3. Don’t forget socialization and life skills
If you decide to homeschool, be prepared for the inevitable question, “What about socialization?” Involve your kids in their community within their COVID-19 bubble. Sign them up for extracurricular activities and connect with other parents within your sphere who are also homeschooling their kids. Zoom calls lessons with other friends are an option. Take field trips and make sure to include activities where your child has to learn from the field trip- if you can do this with someone within your COVID-19 bubble, be sure kids work together in groups. Be very certain your child’s social needs are being met and that they will have a peer group.

4. Follow a daily schedule
Without a schedule, it can be easy to get distracted and off-track. School provides a high level of routine for children, just like work creates that same routine for adults. Creating a time-table and having it on display for the kids to see will benefit the flow of each day as you both begin to get used to the structure. Colour-code each school subject in the schedule so you all can simply see which subject or activity you are working on.

5. Make learning a family activity
Learning can be a family affair! Sharing the excitement for learning with your children and involving other family members can make learning fun. Reading together, making crafts, having a family member teach a skill to another family member, cook/bake together, take a walk into nature etc. are all different ways to incorporate learning into family life.

However you choose to go about educating your children during COVID-19, whether it be homeschooling or sending your children back to school, it is important to remember that you need to make the decision you are most comfortable with. Ensuring you are confident in your decision is all that matters!

If your plan is to homeschool this year and your family is looking for a home with more space, contact us today for a no-obligation discussion on how we can help you throughout your real estate journey and find you the home that best suits you and your family!