August 26, 2021 | Homeownership
Back to school is just around the corner, and while parents and children alike will want to make the most of the remaining vacation time, there are a few things you should do before the school year officially starts. These five ideas can ensure that your family begins the new school year seamlessly especially as it is likely to look quite a bit different this year.
Begin Shifting Bedtimes in Advance
Between vacations, evenings in the pool and nights out making s’mores, your children have likely stayed up past their school year bedtimes. This shift can also lead to sleeping in later. To make the first weeks of school less difficult, start shifting to a school wake-up and bedtime schedule about a month before school begins. This will help students be alert and ready for learning even on the first day of school.
Pick Out School Supplies
Be sure to check your district’s school supplies list as early as possible. Knowing exactly what your child needs for the year can ensure that you don’t miss a great deal during school supply sales.
Discuss COVID prevention steps
Take COVID-19 seriously. Students benefit from in-person learning and safely returning to in-person learning in fall 2021 is a priority. Mental health is important to the learning process. Data shows that the pandemic has created significant stress and trauma for children, adolescents, and families. Schools can help promote student well-being with evidence-based strategies like establishing safe and supportive school environments and referring students to appropriate mental and physical health services. The bottom line is that healthy students are better learners. Following the health organization guidelines can lead students to a successful and healthy school year.
Play Learning Games
With an extensive break from school, kids can lose some of the material they learned from the previous year. To ensure that your student is truly ready for the year, be sure to play learning games throughout the summer. This can allow your student to brush up on their skills, while still feeling like they have a true break from schoolwork. If you haven’t throughout the summer, at least one month before school begins, start to incorporate more classic schoolwork like reading time and writing or math worksheets.
Meal Prep for Lunches
Nut butter and jelly sandwiches are a classic option for school lunches. To make your mornings easier than ever, pre-make a dozen sandwiches and put them in a freezer bag. The frozen sandwiches can be slipped into lunchboxes on busy mornings and will be defrosted by lunchtime.
If your family is looking for a home with more space, contact us today for a no-obligation discussion on how we can help you throughout your real estate journey and find you the home that best suits you and your family!